Revenue Activation

Say good-bye to being the "best kept secret" in your industry!

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You KNOW you are capable of SO. MUCH. MORE!

You are confident that you're sitting on a goldmine in your business BUT...

You’ve been wrestling with the feeling that YOU might be standing in your own way of bringing in the money you desire.

I get it! I’ve been there...and most of my clients felt the same way, too.

As a service-based business owner, it’s hard to do for ourselves what we brilliantly do for our clients every day.

Sometimes, it’s easy to feel like the best kept secret out there!

Here you are, doing great work, busting your ass, but aren’t quite hitting those revenue goals.

But imagine for a moment if things SHIFTED!

Money comes in more easily.

The right clients find you.

You reach more people.

What matters is that you step fully into that “Next Level Version” of yourself.

Where this comes into play is your mindset, your energy, and your decision to do so.

I’m excited to help you embody that with this...

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Revenue Activation


When you sign up, you’ll get:

  • A short 12-min meditation audio you can listen to over and over so you can begin to reprogram your brain.
  • “Revenue Activation Reminders” PDF that works with the meditation to deepen and speed up the results.
  • Short audios that dive into each of the reminders and describe how they help you BE that even more successful.

Between the meditation and reminders, you will begin to step into the revenue you desire because you will be attracting that to you more easily.

I work with mission-driven people who are committed to making a difference. They know they are sitting on a gold mine, but often feel the pain of knowing that they are in their own way, or need support pivoting their business to the next iteration.

Hi! I'm Therese.

A former psychotherapist, now working as a transformational business coach, my focus is on helping my clients fiercely show up to create their dream business and life.

Working with energy, mindset, and solid business strategy, I support them to step into the work their soul calls them to do. Using energy clearing, business mentoring, crazy love, and kick-ass “Mama Bear” wisdom, it’s a great combination.

From the work, my clients own their value, make more money, serve more people, and have a business that makes them happy.

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